Friday, September 3, 2010

Seeing Results...

It's been 5 days since my last post and a lot has happened.  The good news first, I've lost 15.5 inches since starting Herbalife 8 weeks ago.  The scale hasn't moved much but I'm seeing more muscle and my clothes aren't as snug and that's what I like to see.  The Dr. Pepper is finally gone so that hasn't been so tempting.  I discovered this amazing app on my IPAD to keep track of food and exercise and that's been more motivating and easier to track than just keeping it in a notebook.  That app is mynetdiary.  Next, the reviews I was promising.

Herbalife Raspberry Tea....this stuff is tasty and supposedly burns 100 calories just by drinking it.  I believe it because it really gives me energy and I can just feel my metabolism being kicked up a notch.  I like to put an orange lift off in the tea just for extra kick.

Creamy Chicken soup...I was impressed with this soup.  It only has 80 calories but offers 16 grams of protein.  That's great for the end of the day if I don't have many calories to spare and am lacking in daily protein.  I had it for lunch on Wednesday and it kept me full for several hours.  It was very creamy so next time I'm going to add some chives and grilled chicken for texture, that will add more calories but then it could be a dinner.  I will be ordering more of this, for sure!

Total Control...This is a thermogenic supplement that is supposed to give you energy and help with appetite and it delivered on that promise.  Herbalife recommends taking one tablet 3 x daily before meals, I've only been taking 2 and it has drastically cut my appetite.  This is especially true in the evening when I'm the most hungry, don't take it too late though or it could interfere with sleep.

Aloe....The aloe is used to help your digestive system and it comes in a liquid or powder formula.  The liquid comes in mango or a tasteless formula that you can add to almost anything.  I've been using the mango and I add 3 capfuls to a small glass of water and just take it like a shot.  I don't like the flavor, it's a little sour but it's not like drinking apple cider vinegar or anything crazy like that.  I have noticed better and more regular "digestion" but I can't give the aloe all of the credit because I've changed other things in my diet.  I'll keep tracking this one though because other people swear that aloe has done amazing things for their bodies.

I have more products coming today and am going to send out sample products to friends and would love to hear what they have to say.

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